A Guide to Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, many people find themselves experiencing a change in mood that can range from... read more →
Conditioned by events Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, is a mental health condition that can affect any of us, at any time. It is triggered by the experiencing or the... read more →
Dear Caroline, I am a mum of three young children. Like many people, I am very anxious about what is happening with the coronavirus. I do not know what to... read more →
To live with an eating disorder is all-consuming. Coping with a negative relationship with food is not as straight forward as one might assume. The impact of such a condition... read more →
Feelings of severe despondency Depression is a mood disorder that many of us may well encounter at some point in our lives. It is often described and understood collectively as... read more →
Taking it past the limit When I usually speak to you about self-care, you may have noticed that being mindful of alcohol consumption is frequently on the list. To be... read more →
Dear Caroline, I have recently begun to experience a need to remain inside and away from people. I find it very difficult to attend social functions such as parties or... read more →
Dear Caroline, I hope that you can help. Since returning to work after Christmas, I have been feeling very emotional and tired on a daily basis. I am struggling to... read more →
Dear Readers, I have received many letters over the course of the last few months asking me about anxiety and what to do if you feel panicked or overwhelmed. It... read more →
Dear Caroline, I have always been career-driven. Since leaving university, I have worked very hard in order to be financially independent. A few months ago, however, I suffered what can... read more →